BRAND NEW ITEMS!- Spell Packets I am always trying to come up with some new ways to help my clients & this BRAND NEW spell option is absolutely PERFECT if you have little to know experience & need something that's quick to do, easy to do & will garner you the results you need! I've created these special magickal spell envelopes that have all of the ingredients required for the spell you're needing. All it requires on your end, is to hold the envelope, light it on fire & place in a fireproof bowl & let it burn out. Each spell packet will be made upon order & each is only $6 plus $4 shipping in the continental US & if you buy 3 or more, you’ll get shipping for FREE! You'll also receive 5 reward points for each purchase. **These are NOT meant to replace proper medical care, legal counseling or mental health care
Do you need a bit of magickal assistance but don’t know how to go about it yourself? Let me take care of your spell needs! Below, you’ll find many types of spell jars I have available and if you don’t see what you need, you’re welcome to message me to ask and I’m sure I can help you out with your needs. You will also get 5 reward points for each purchase. I have many kinds of spell jars available as of right now and these cover a pretty good spectrum of what most people need. All prices shown include shipping in the continental US; if you live elsewhere, please email me and I will give you a shipping price. The same is true if you need something different than what you see on my website, email & we can discuss your needs. ** healing spell jars are not meant to replace proper medical care. They’re to be used in conjunction with proper medical treatment & care. I am not responsible if you use only the spell jar to heal yourself. Spirit Protection Spell Jar: Use this if you want to keep specfic spirits out of your home for good. This jar will make it impossible for them to cross into your home. Creativity Spell Jar: If you're an artist, writer or just need a bit more creative flare in your daily life, this spell jar is for you! With this spell jar, you keep it near where you work, paint, draw, write, whatever the case may be & it'll give you a wonderful creative boost. Need a little extra? Use the candle that accompanies the spell jar to give yourself a great boost of energy to let those ideas & inspiration flow! Money Spell Jar: Need to get a bit of extra cash? Want a raise at work or perhaps a higher paying job? This spell jar can help in your financial endeavors. Simply keep it where you handle your finances; if you own your own business, keep it near the register and give it a daily shake, focusing on what you’re wanting to accomplish financially. Healthy Home Spell Jar: Do you want to keep yourself & your family well- mentally & physically? Place this healthy home spell jar in a spot in your home that has a lot of traffic and you’ll reap the mental & physical health benefits this jar brings. Wonderful for homes where people are constantly getting sick or that might have a lot of arguing and anger flowing through. Nightmare Protection Spell Jar: Do you or someone you know suffer a lot of nightmares? It’s perfectly normal to have nightmares occasionally but if you or someone in your home or a friend has constant nightmares, I recommend getting this nightmare protection spell jar. Keep it near the bed and let peaceful sleep overtake you or the person you’re getting this spell jar for. Protection Spell Jar: Do you need protection? Maybe you work in a dangerous job or you’re driving a lot and want a bit of extra protection to keep yourself safe. Keep this protection spell jar in your home, work or car to help provide protection. - Of course, always take the proper safety precautions, this jar is NOT meant to replace common sense and safety procedures. Good Luck Spell Jar: Are you having an unlucky period in your life? Maybe someone you know is going through a rough patch. This spell jar can help get you or someone you know back on track. Whether you’re needing a bit of good fortune, maybe a small kick in the right direction, get this jar and see your luck turning around for the better once again! Self-Doubt Spell Jar: Are you constantly finding yourself second guessing yourself? Maybe you have low self-esteem and so you don’t trust yourself to make the right choices or think that someone else is more knowledgeable than you are so you go with their suggestions and ideas more often than your own. An occasional self-doubt is perfectly normal but if you’re someone who’s constantly second guessing themselves and don’t trust yourself to make the right choices, keep this self-doubt spell jar where you work or where you need it most and help build up your self-confidence and self-esteem. Wish Bottle: A wish bottle is a wonderful way to focus on your goals you have ahead of you. This wish bottle is small enough to be kept on you at all times if you like. It’ll help you to attain that which you work so hard for! Relationship Spell Jar: This spell jar won’t get you a specific person because that’d be taking free will out of their hands but it will help to draw to you someone with the qualities you’re looking for in a mate. It’s a hard world out there when you’re trying to find someone to share your life with but with this spell jar you can help draw the right sort of person that has the qualities you’re looking for in a mate without taking away their free will. Magickal Release Spell Jar with Knot magick: Have you or someone you know been bound magickally somehow? If so, this kit will help to release you or someone you know from someone else’s magickal binding. Everyone deserves to have free will and with this kit you can get that back! ***No spell is meant to replace proper medical care, self-care or hard work. Be sure to only use these in conjunction with the other type of help you need. I am not responsible for your decisions should you rely only upon magick. I’m here to help with your spell needs. I have several types of spell kits available now that will include the herbs and candles you need as well as the spell instructions. Keep reading to see which one you need and then message me with your order; I’m also happy to help create a spell kit specifically for your needs! For each purchase, you'll get 5 reward points. 1. Money & Abundance Spell Kit- This is perfect when you’re needing to bring a bit more money into your house. 2. My next spell kit is an Ehwaz Relationship kit. This is a wonderful ritual to perform to bring you and your loved one closer (it does NOT mess with free will) and it can strengthen your bonds together. 3. Banishing Spell Kit- Do you have someone in your life that you need to remove but don’t want to do so in a harmful way? This kit’s for you! I’ll provide you with the instructions & items needed to banish the person(s) from your life without causing them any harm in the process. 4. Self-Doubt Spell Kit- Are you suffering from depression or having a bad period of self-doubt where you doubt everything you’re doing? Get this spell kit to help break this cycle & get you back up to a more positive position. (Does NOT replace proper mental health care & doctor's care.) 5. Justice Spell Kit- Do you need a bit of justice in your life? Perhaps for an upcoming court hearing or a boss who’s treating you unfairly? This is the right kit for you to help balance the scales of Justice for you. 6. Anger-Management Spell Kit: If you find yourself getting angry a lot and sometimes for no real reason and you want to get this under control, in addition to anger management help I’d also recommend this spell kit to help bring your temper back to a more even keel. 7. Release Regret Spell Kit: Feeling regret is a natural part of life. We all wish we could do certain things over in a different way or perhaps we have a regret about a past relationship & we can’t seem to find the closure we need to move on. This spell set will help you to let go of those regrets so you can move forward! 8. Rose Quartz Bath Ritual- This ritual is perfect if you’re in need some emotional healing, letting go of the past and so on. This ritual comes with the herbs, ritual & rose quartz. 9. Family Harmony Satchel Spell: This is a great ritual to perform to keep a home or make a home friendlier and harmonious. 10. Honey Jar Spell: This is a great spell to use when you need to sweeten someone’s disposition towards you- this could be a family member, a boss, a spouse, etc. $ 16 11. Return to Sender Spell Kit: This is what you want to use when you need protection from someone’s negativity and have tried all mundane methods and it still hasn’t worked. This will cause zero harm to you or the other person. 12. Freezer Spell Kit- this is wonderful to use when someone’s bashing you or harassing you. This kit will make sure they stay out of your life.