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Mike Sexton Studio's Privacy Policy


1.  How is your contact information used?

I will only use your contact information to contact you; it will NOT be sold to any spam email programs, it will NOT be given to advertisers or anyone else who likes to send unsolicited emails and snail mail to people.  Your phone number,  if provided,  will NOT be sold either and will only be used if I have a question regarding your design needs.  This is my personal guarantee to you because I treat potential clients just as I would want to be treated and there's nothing I hate more than when I email a business for information and am then bombarded with unsolicited emails, phone calls and the like.  The only time your personal information will be divulged is when legally required to do so.

2.  If you sign-up for my monthly newsletter,  will you be spammed by other offers?

If you sign-up for my monthly newsletter you will NOT be hit with a bunch of spam emails or offers.  The only time you will be emailed aside from the regular monthly newsletter is if I have a special announcement to make such as a special sale or event that I think you would be interested in.  Aside from this,  you will ONLY receive the monthly newsletter from Mike Sexton Studio.

3.  Will I use your personal information and give it to 3rd parties?

The answer is No.  Any information you provide me will be used only by myself and NO ONE else.  I've been contacted in fact by a company that buys mailing lists from other companies & I made it perfectly clear to them that I do not under any circumstances sell information that I receive from my clients and/or possible clients.  I do this for 2 reasons- 1.  I think trust is an incredibly important asset,  whether it is dealing with business or personal and to me,  when a company sells my information to another company to bug me,  I think that trust has been violated.  2- as I've said,  I treat all of you as I want to be treated and in light of that,  I know what sorts of practices business employ that I sincerely dislike and I do my utmost to avoid doing the same things in my own business.

The privacy policy I enact in my business may be modified on occasion as necessary; if you subscribe to my newsletter you will be notified of any changes made in the privacy policy.

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