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First let me say that ordering directly from me is only applicable if you live in the continental USA; unfortunately for anyone outside of the continental United States, the shipping prices are calculated differently and so it would be easier if you purchased my art through my online art gallery who are in a better position to give you the accurate shipping charges.

Below, you'll find my ancient Egyptian paintings with complete details about the material they're painted on, as well as the price. These prices are for the unframed paintings in the sizes shown below. If you're interested in one of my paintings but don't have the money for it right now, you can also choose lay-away* where you make four payments over a two month period and once the final payment's made I will get the painting shipped out to you and there's no interest charges with my lay-away plan! If this sounds something you'd be able to take advantage of, be sure to contact me and I'll give you the payment details.

Don't forget, art makes a fantastic Christmas, Hanukkah and birthday gift or for any occasion and shows you really thought about the person and wanted to get something they'd love.  Your purchase is completely secure and the gallery & myself will see to it that you're completely satisfied with your art purchase.  If you have any questions about any of my paintings or if you need commission work done, don't hesitate to contact me.  As soon as I receive your email I'll be more than happy to answer any questions you have to the best of my ability and if you're wanting to speak with me on the telephone I'll gladly provide you with my number at that point.

Egyptian deities painting

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I am very happy to unveil my latest Egyptian piece. It's been quite a while since I created an Egyptian themed painting but I think you'll agree, the wait has been worth it! In this piece I have 4 famous deities residing in an ancient Egyptian temple where the human worshippers did a fantastic job on the decorating; the entrance way is layered in gold and inscribed with hand-painted hieroglyphics; the walls are covered in beautiful blue night sky and stars & there are two beautifully decorated panels. The gods Thoth & Anubis are keeping a close watch over their human charges thanks to their eternal fire emanating from the cauldron and the goddess Bast is approaching at Thoth's request. Seth being his usual self is off a bit in the corner creating a small sand storm.

"Egyptian Deities Watching Over Us" is 20 x 16 inches; this painting is painted on heavy, acid free, smooth matte surface paper with a radiant white surface. 100% rag, 19 mil thickness. The price on this piece unframed is $150.

Please click on "Buy Now" and that'll bring up an email where you will need to send me your mailing address so that I can get the shipping charges calculated for you and I will email you the shipping price BEFORE the order is placed so do NOT worry; you will NOT be charged a single cent until you've seen the shipping charges and approved the order. Plus your mailing address will NOT be shared with anyone.

Egyptian god Horus papyrus painting

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This latest of my Egyptian paintings is a little different. It features a central scroll painted to look like papyrus with hieroglyphics that I hand-painted individually & in the center of this Papyrus scroll is a picture of Horus- the Elder. I decided to paint it with colored bars along the sides to give it an extra touch of class since many real papyrus sheets did have such a feature on them. I painted this scroll in the midst of a beautiful night sky with all the stars ablazing surrounded by an elegant golden border with beautiful vivid bars all around it. This beautiful painting would look wonderful in anyone's home who loves art.

"Horus the Elder Papyrus" is 20 x 15-7/8 inches; this painting is painted on heavy, acid free, textured paper with a radiant white surface. 100% cotton rag, 19 mil thickness. The price on this piece unframed is $100.

Please click on "Buy Now" and that'll bring up an email where you will need to send me your mailing address so that I can get the shipping charges calculated for you and I will email you the shipping price BEFORE the order is placed so do NOT worry; you will NOT be charged a single cent until you've seen the shipping charges and approved the order. Plus your mailing address will NOT be shared with anyone.

Egyptian god Set papyrus painting

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Set was an interesting god in ancient Egypt; on the 1 hand he represented chaos, destruction, storms but in the beginning he was also a very positive god; it was only later that he was turned more "evil" which in Egypt was a relative term since all gods had good/bad qualities. Why not have him represent the better side of the coin with this beautiful papyrus print featuring his symbol.

"Set Papyrus" is 14 x 11-1/8 inches; this painting is painted on heavy, acid free, textured paper with a radiant white surface. 100% cotton rag, 19 mil thickness. The price on this piece unframed is $65.

Please click on "Buy Now" and that'll bring up an email where you will need to send me your mailing address so that I can get the shipping charges calculated for you and I will email you the shipping price BEFORE the order is placed so do NOT worry; you will NOT be charged a single cent until you've seen the shipping charges and approved the order. Plus your mailing address will NOT be shared with anyone.

Egyptian gods Set & Horus duality painting

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Ancient Egypt focused a lot on duality; even the country was split into Upper & lower Egypt & each had their respective deities. For most of Egypt's history the story of the battle between the gods Set & Horus remained pretty similar & each god was in a way, a mirror image of the other. Horus symbolized the good- light,harmony while Set represented the darker side-the outer boundaries,chaos,storms,etc. This painting pays homage to these 2 incredibly important deities. By splitting the painting in half & showing parts of their respective natures it also shows what life is all about- you can't have good without the bad and vice versa.

"Egyptian Duality" is 20 x 16 inches; this painting is painted on heavy, acid free, textured paper with a radiant white surface. 100% cotton rag, 19 mil thickness. The price on this piece unframed is $100.

Please click on "Buy Now" and that'll bring up an email where you will need to send me your mailing address so that I can get the shipping charges calculated for you and I will email you the shipping price BEFORE the order is placed so do NOT worry; you will NOT be charged a single cent until you've seen the shipping charges and approved the order. Plus your mailing address will NOT be shared with anyone.

Egyptian scarab beetle papyrus painting

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The scarab beetle was quite important in ancient Egypt. People wore amulets shaped like a scarab beetle to offer protection & they were also carved into temples, reliefs and even in the form of one of the Egyptian goddesses- Khepri. The reason behind this was Egyptians saw these beautiful beetles rolling their dung balls and at times saw baby beetles emerge from them. This observation got them to include the scarab in their myth of how the sun crosses the sky. They figured it must be the goddess Khepri rolling the sun across the heavens. This beautiful painting includes such a wonderful beetle in full winged glory in a contrasting night sky with 2 wonderful pyramids below as well as the entire image being painted inside a beautiful collapsible box image.

"The Jeweled Scarab" is 20 x 16 inches; this painting is painted on heavy, acid free, textured paper with a radiant white surface. 100% cotton rag, 19 mil thickness. The price on this piece unframed is $100.

Please click on "Buy Now" and that'll bring up an email where you will need to send me your mailing address so that I can get the shipping charges calculated for you and I will email you the shipping price BEFORE the order is placed so do NOT worry; you will NOT be charged a single cent until you've seen the shipping charges and approved the order. Plus your mailing address will NOT be shared with anyone.

Egyptians taking papyrus boat up the nile painting

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Much of Egyptian life was centered around the Nile; not only to provide them with food and water but also as their main transportation route. Boats such as this one were used often times to carry materials and produce up and down the Egyptian land but they were also used for ceremonial purposes for their many festivals. Here I have tried to capture such a ceremonial boat with beautiful blue sky painted on it with stars just as some of the real boats were painted and in the center is a special chamber to hold perhaps a statue of a god or goddess protected by the Scarab beetle Khepra offering protection. All the while you can see the silhouette of the Pharaoh- the Egyptian's god on Earth looking on making sure the workers handle the task correctly.

"The Pharaoh's Gaze" is 14 x 11-3/16 inches; this painting is painted on heavy, acid free, textured paper with a radiant white surface. 100% cotton rag, 19 mil thickness. The price on this piece unframed is $65.

Please click on "Buy Now" and that'll bring up an email where you will need to send me your mailing address so that I can get the shipping charges calculated for you and I will email you the shipping price BEFORE the order is placed so do NOT worry; you will NOT be charged a single cent until you've seen the shipping charges and approved the order. Plus your mailing address will NOT be shared with anyone.

Temple dedicated to the Egyptian goddess Bast painting

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Bast was a very important Egyptian goddess; she's been around since before 2000 BCE and was worshiped throughout Egyptian antiquity as well as by some in the present. This painting is in her honor. It features the goddess holding a sistrum - a musical instrument- in her right hand and the Ankh in her left. She's got several cats around her which were one of her symbols as well as the floor covered in painted Bast likenesses. There are several large jars against the wall- each with the head of Bast as the lid and each inscribed beautifully with hieroglyphics. On the wall you can see her in her more fierce form- as a lioness roaring in front of the sun. Since she was also seen as one of the eyes of Ra- the sun god the sun was also one of her symbols. Next to the entranceway to the temple is a beautiful vase containing several blooming Papyrus flowers.

"Ode to Bast" is 20 x 15-15/16 inches; this painting is painted on heavy, acid free, textured paper with a radiant white surface. 100% cotton rag, 19 mil thickness. The price on this piece unframed is $100.

Please click on "Buy Now" and that'll bring up an email where you will need to send me your mailing address so that I can get the shipping charges calculated for you and I will email you the shipping price BEFORE the order is placed so do NOT worry; you will NOT be charged a single cent until you've seen the shipping charges and approved the order. Plus your mailing address will NOT be shared with anyone.

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* The Lay-Away plan is only available to those ordering within the contintental United States ordering directly from me; if you're ordering through my art gallery representative I cannot offer the lay-away plan.

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