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Available Paintings

First let me say that ordering directly from me is only applicable if you live in the continental USA; unfortunately for anyone outside of the continental United States, the shipping prices are calculated differently and so it would be easier if you purchased my art through my online art gallery who are in a better position to give you the accurate shipping charges.

Below, you'll find my ancient Egyptian paintings with complete details about the material they're painted on, as well as the price. These prices are for the unframed paintings in the sizes shown below. If you're interested in one of my paintings but don't have the money for it right now, you can also choose lay-away* where you make four payments over a two month period and once the final payment's made I will get the painting shipped out to you and there's no interest charges with my lay-away plan! If this sounds something you'd be able to take advantage of, be sure to contact me and I'll give you the payment details.

Don't forget, art makes a fantastic Christmas, Hanukkah and birthday gift or for any occasion and shows you really thought about the person and wanted to get something they'd love.  Your purchase is completely secure and the gallery & myself will see to it that you're completely satisfied with your art purchase.  If you have any questions about any of my paintings or if you need commission work done, don't hesitate to contact me.  As soon as I receive your email I'll be more than happy to answer any questions you have to the best of my ability and if you're wanting to speak with me on the telephone I'll gladly provide you with my number at that point.

Egyptian god Thoth standing with ibises in front of his temple painting

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The Ibis was one of the animals sacred to the god Thoth- the god of writing & the moon and here I have painted the god holding a papyrus roll in one hand and a writing instrument in the other and surrounded by the Sacred Ibis. In the background is a temple dedicated to this important deity complete with carved hieroglyphs and images of the Ibis as well as having 3 fully carved Obelisks complete with a golden point on each one. This painting not only captures the importance of Thoth but also gives a glimpse into the beauty of ancient Egypt and their wonderful belief system.

"In the Image of Thoth" is 20 x 15-15/16 inches; this painting is painted on heavy, acid free, textured paper with a radiant white surface. 100% cotton rag, 19 mil thickness. The price on this piece unframed is $100.

Please click on "Buy Now" and that'll bring up an email where you will need to send me your mailing address so that I can get the shipping charges calculated for you and I will email you the shipping price BEFORE the order is placed so do NOT worry; you will NOT be charged a single cent until you've seen the shipping charges and approved the order. Plus your mailing address will NOT be shared with anyone.

Egyptian god Anubis emerging from a pack of jackals in the desert painting

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There's a long held belief that the Egyptians got the idea for the god Anubis by watching the jackals in the area that sometimes fed on dead animals as well as humans. I have been thinking of what it might be like to see one of the jackals changing into the god Anubis. This painting brings that idea to life so to speak. There's a small "pack" of jackals roaming the desert including a couple of almost solid black jackals- one of which has been chosen to become the important god Anubis who was in charge of the embalming process as well as helping to lead the departed through the harrowing experience known as the afterlife.

"Emerging from the Pack" is 20 x 16 inches; this painting is painted on heavy, acid free, textured paper with a radiant white surface. 100% cotton rag, 19 mil thickness. The price on this piece unframed is $100.

Please click on "Buy Now" and that'll bring up an email where you will need to send me your mailing address so that I can get the shipping charges calculated for you and I will email you the shipping price BEFORE the order is placed so do NOT worry; you will NOT be charged a single cent until you've seen the shipping charges and approved the order. Plus your mailing address will NOT be shared with anyone.

Egyptian goddess Sekhmet painting

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Sekhmet- the Lioness goddess of Destruction could also be a protective spirit and I'm portraying her in this light with this beautiful painting where you are inside a temple dedicated to Sekhmet and she stands before an open door showing a bright light and the protective Eye of Horus- is she inviting you inside to be protected? That is for you to decide.

"Sekhmet's Guiding Light" is 14 x 11-1/4 inches; this painting is painted on heavy, acid free, textured paper with a radiant white surface. 100% cotton rag, 19 mil thickness. The price on this piece unframed is $75.

Please click on "Buy Now" and that'll bring up an email where you will need to send me your mailing address so that I can get the shipping charges calculated for you and I will email you the shipping price BEFORE the order is placed so do NOT worry; you will NOT be charged a single cent until you've seen the shipping charges and approved the order. Plus your mailing address will NOT be shared with anyone.

Egyptian god Anubis in his temple painting

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Here Anubis is kneeling in front of a temple dedicated to him with a beautiful mastaba- the forerunner to the pyramid design-- in the background.

"Temple Anubis" is 8 x 10 inches; this painting is painted on heavy, acid free, textured paper with a radiant white surface. 100% cotton rag, 19 mil thickness. The price on this piece unframed is $20.

Please click on "Buy Now" and that'll bring up an email where you will need to send me your mailing address so that I can get the shipping charges calculated for you and I will email you the shipping price BEFORE the order is placed so do NOT worry; you will NOT be charged a single cent until you've seen the shipping charges and approved the order. Plus your mailing address will NOT be shared with anyone.

Egyptian god Thoth creating papyrus and heirolglyphics painting

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I'm so pleased with how this painting came out; I think it's my best take yet on the human form, in this case, in regards to the Egyptian God of Scribes, Writing and the Moon- Thoth; here I have him in front of a temple forming a new papyrus sheet.

"Maker of Scribes" is 8 x 10 inches; this painting is painted on heavy, acid free, textured paper with a radiant white surface. 100% cotton rag, 19 mil thickness. The price on this piece unframed is $20.

Please click on "Buy Now" and that'll bring up an email where you will need to send me your mailing address so that I can get the shipping charges calculated for you and I will email you the shipping price BEFORE the order is placed so do NOT worry; you will NOT be charged a single cent until you've seen the shipping charges and approved the order. Plus your mailing address will NOT be shared with anyone.

Egyptian god Horus painting

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Horus standing guard in front of a lavishly decorated temple in his honor.

"Temple of Horus" is 16 x 20 inches; this painting is painted on heavy, acid free, textured paper with a radiant white surface. 100% cotton rag, 19 mil thickness. The price on this piece unframed is $100.

Please click on "Buy Now" and that'll bring up an email where you will need to send me your mailing address so that I can get the shipping charges calculated for you and I will email you the shipping price BEFORE the order is placed so do NOT worry; you will NOT be charged a single cent until you've seen the shipping charges and approved the order. Plus your mailing address will NOT be shared with anyone.

Egyptian goddess Sekhmet empowering lionesses in her temple

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This piece is called "Sekhmet's Temple of Charging Lionesses" & those of you who know anything about the Egyptian deities know that Sekhmet was a dual goddess- she had both positive and very negative aspects to her personality and powers but here I painted her giving power to her charges- the lionesses from whom she took her animal features at times.

"Sekhmet's Temple of Charging Lionesses" is 20 x 16 inches; this painting is painted on heavy, acid free, textured paper with a radiant white surface. 100% cotton rag, 19 mil thickness. The price on this piece unframed is $100.

Please click on "Buy Now" and that'll bring up an email where you will need to send me your mailing address so that I can get the shipping charges calculated for you and I will email you the shipping price BEFORE the order is placed so do NOT worry; you will NOT be charged a single cent until you've seen the shipping charges and approved the order. Plus your mailing address will NOT be shared with anyone.

Sekhmet papyrus painting

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Considering the importance that Sekhmet had in ancient Egypt I thought it only appropriate to give her her own Papyrus page. With this painting I placed Sekhmet who is giving her powers to several lionesses on a broad golden beam fitting a goddess atop a set of bull horns. 3 sides feature beautifully painted bars and all in the background are hand-drawn hieroglyphics to help lend it an air of authenticity.

"Sekhmet Papyrus" is 20 x 16 inches; this painting is painted on heavy, acid free, textured paper with a radiant white surface. 100% cotton rag, 19 mil thickness. The price on this piece unframed is $100.

Please click on "Buy Now" and that'll bring up an email where you will need to send me your mailing address so that I can get the shipping charges calculated for you and I will email you the shipping price BEFORE the order is placed so do NOT worry; you will NOT be charged a single cent until you've seen the shipping charges and approved the order. Plus your mailing address will NOT be shared with anyone.

Egyptian false door painting

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The ancient Egyptians had a really interesting religion and this piece celebrates just one aspect of this religion. Many Egyptians believed that when a relative or ruler died, they could still come back to help guide the living so in many temples, burial chambers and such places, false doors were carved into the temple or chamber. This door didn't open like a real door but it was a place where you could go and bring food and offerings to help "feed" the deceased and ask a question to a problem you might have such as creating a baby, money problems, many of the same types of problems we experience today. This painting pays homage to this belief and features beautifully hand painted hieroglyphics; the pink granite at the bottom would be where the offerings would be placed.

"Egyptian False Door" is 20 x 15-15/16 inches; this painting is painted on heavy, acid free, textured paper with a radiant white surface. 100% cotton rag, 19 mil thickness. The price on this piece unframed is $100.

Please click on "Buy Now" and that'll bring up an email where you will need to send me your mailing address so that I can get the shipping charges calculated for you and I will email you the shipping price BEFORE the order is placed so do NOT worry; you will NOT be charged a single cent until you've seen the shipping charges and approved the order. Plus your mailing address will NOT be shared with anyone.

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* The Lay-Away plan is only available to those ordering within the contintental United States ordering directly from me; if you're ordering through my art gallery representative I cannot offer the lay-away plan.

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