More wonderful crystals!
**Statements are not meant to replace proper medical care, always seek professional help when dealing with health issues- whether mental or physical. Pictures provided are for examples; color & size will vary
Zodiac Crystal Sets!
Get a great set of wonderfully charged crystals that will help with your astrological traits. These aren’t your birthstones but they are stones that are known to help bring out the good qualities you already have & to also help reduce the qualities you may not find as appealing. You'll also earn 5 reward points.
Each set includes 3 crystals along with a carry pouch so you can take your crystals with you anywhere!
Get your set for your Zodiac sign or for a loved one who enjoys beautiful crystals for only $12 including shipping in the continental US!
Aquarius- Amethyst Spiritual Awareness, pyrite for increased confidence, rose quartz for love
Aries- Carnelian to fuel your ambition, bloodstone for calming the mind, red jasper for grounding your energies
Cancer- peach moonstone for protection, blue calcite for clearing energy blockages as well as for creativity, blue chalcedony for dissolving arising conflicts & balancing the heart & mind
Capricorn- garnet for prosperity & manifestation, labradorite for enhancing intuition, magickal awareness, black tourmaline for protection & good luck
Gemini- purple agate to maintain focus, blue celestite for protection & uplifting your mood, serpentine for aligning all chakras & bringing perspective
Leo- Carnelian to ignite creativity & passion, tiger's eye for manifesting your goals, pyrite to resolve fear
Libra- citrine for joy, rose quartz for love, fire agate for protection
Pisces- Amethyst for serenity & calmness, red jasper for protection, bloodstone for confidence in dangerous situations
Sagittarius- ruby for passion & enthusiasm, sodalite for heightening intuition & bringing clarity, citrine for brightening your mood
Scorpio- black tourmaline for protection, smoky quartz to release your fears, sodalite for mental clarity & calmness
Taurus- yellow topaz for recharging your mind & body, amethyst for guarding against unwanted stress, rose quartz for emotional healing
Virgo- Amazonite for encouragement, moss agate to help you slow down & take a break, green sardonyx for stability
Pet Astrological Crystal Sets
It’s well known that certain crystals/stones connect with us based on our astrological signs but the same is true for our furry, feathered, scaley friends- our companion animals. I’ve created special packages of crystals for each astrological sign & am featuring them below.
Each Pet Zodiac Crystal Set will include 2 crystals specially selected for your pet with a pouch to hold them in. You may place these anywhere your pet(s) like to stay the most- just out of reach of them so they don’t try to get to the crystals, although I must say, I use crystals for healing for my dogs & they’ve never bothered with them but I like to be safe as every animal is different.
Each set of Pet Zodiac Crystals with pouch & information on how those crystals are used for your pet, can be yours for only $10 with shipping included in the continental US. If you order multiple sets you’ll receive a 10% discount on your total order price. You'll also earn 5 reward points.
Home Cleanse Crystal Set
Not everyone's able to use sage to cleanse their home so if you're looking for a way to keep your home's energy cleansed & your home feeling well, I recommend this special set of crystals I have available. You'll receive 4 lovely stones such as the ones pictured here along with a pouch to keep them safe.
You can get this set for only $16 with shipping included in the continental US.
**Picture shown is of the type of crystals you'll receive. Since every crystal is different, yours won't look exactly like these. You'll also earn 5 reward points.
Pet Crystal Set
We all know how much help crystals can be in our lives but sometimes we forget they can also do a great job in helping our pets as well. Here, I've included a special set of crystals that will help your companion animal(s). I've selected these to give you an all around helpful crystal set to help with almost any issues your pet(s) may be facing. You'll also earn 5 reward points. In this special Pet Crystal Set you'll receive one of each:
1. Amazonite.
2. Rose quartz.
3. Bloodstone.
4. Citrine.
5. Smoky Quartz.
6. Carnelian.
7. Carry Pouch
You simply hang this pouch near where your pet(s) spends the majority of their time or you can also place it under their bed; however, if you leave the house, I'd hang it up just to be safe that they don't get into it & swallow one or break a tooth.
You can purchase this special Pet Crystal Set for only $ 24 with shipping in the continental US included.
** Pictures provided are for examples; yours may look differently but each crystal is completely legitimate & charged for their various purpose. Always use crystals in conjunction with proper vet care for your companion animals. I, in NO way, am providing you with medical advice or veterinary alternative care.
Money Crystal Set
For those of you needing a little extra good fortune in your life in the way of success, money and such, I've created this special crystal set complete with a hand-sewn pouch to keep your crystals in. This special set will include one piece of each:
Pyrite, Tiger's Eye, Amazonite, Green aventurine.
You'll receive all 4 crystals along with the hand-sewn pouch for only $ 15 with FREE shipping in the continental US. You'll also earn 5 reward points.
** Pictures provided are for examples; yours may look differently but each crystal is completely legitimate & charged for their various purpose.
Spiritual Protection Crystal Set
Are you looking for a bit of added spiritual help? I have THE perfect set of crystals for you, to help provide you safety in many areas of your life. I've chosen these crystals specifically for their various metaphysical properties & I've also programmed them to do these specific jobs. You'll earn 5 reward points. In this special Protection Crystal Set you'll receive
1. Labradorite to keep you safe from toxic relationships & people.
2. Ruby to raise your vibration & to help protect against deceptive people.
3. Blue Kyanite to assist in standing up to brainwashing, bullying, psychic attacks.
4. Pyrite to transmute negative energy into positive.
5. Smoky Quartz to increase your perception, balance & grounding your energies.v
6. Tiger Eye for shielding & grounding you.
7. Black Tourmaline for clearing negative vibes.
8. Carrying Pouch.
9. Cinnamon salt for protecting the home & property
Receive all of these lovely stones, charged & ready to use for only $ 26 including shipping in the continental US.
Sleep Trouble Crystal Set
Do you suffer from the occasional sleep trouble? It is the worst- it not only keeps you from sleeping but also makes for a very long day and night. Not to mention, with enough bouts of it, it can start affecting your health & emotional well-being. You'll also earn 5 reward points.
If you're someone who suffers from sleep issues, I've got a special set of crystals just for you! This special set includes crystals that I've energized & programmed to help you get a restful night's sleep!
This set includes
1)Howlite to help soothe & alleviate your stress (a major factor in sleep trouble)
2)Hematite: also known as the stone for the mind is a beautiful crystal that is helpful if you have sleep disturbances due to hysteria and anxiety. It promotes a calming atmosphere, heals emotional imbalances, and helps you have a deep sleep.
3)Angelite - calms anxiety and eases the mind from over-thinkingRose Quartz promotes inner healing with compassion.
4)Rose quartz is the feel good crystal, helping you absorb loving and healing energy. Promoting calmness, it will assist you in maintaining the energy you need to sleep soundly.
5) Black Tourmaline is known for its strong protective properties, absorbing negative energy and transforming it into positive energy. One of the most powerful crystals for anxiety, it will clear and cleanse energy blockages in your home and body (helping you to fall asleep more easily)
Carrying Bag included
You'll receive all of this for only $ 18 with shipping in the continental US.
Manifestation Crystal Set
Are you having trouble manifesting that which you want most? Are you working hard but still need some assistance to get what you're needing & wanting in your life? I have a terrific set of crystals that will help you with this very issue! You'll also earn 5 reward points.
This set includes
1)Citrine – For manifesting abundance, prosperity, or anything you desire
2) Clear Quartz Point– For amplifying your intentions
3) Carnelian – For manifesting physical energy, motivation, and creativity
4) Amethyst – To manifest tranquility and a spiritual connection
5) Pyrite – To manifest wealth and creativity
Carrying Bag included
You'll receive all of this for only $ 17 with shipping in the continental US.
Self-Love Crystal Set
Are you wanting to work on self-love & self-care? Maybe you beat yourself up over things that you've done, said, etc and can't seem to find the forgiveness within yourself to stop that. Don't worry, you're not the only one; millions of people do that every day. We strive so hard to be the best for everyone around us, if we're less than perfect, or if we say something in the heat of the moment, we can beat ourselves up for it.
I've got a special set of crystals just for you! This set can be used during meditation to help you develop self-love & self-care over time so that you learn to heal instead of continue to hurt yourself, even when you don't realize it. You may even keep them on your person to continue the healing process.
This set includes
Amethyst is the stone of transformation and enlightenment.
Peach Moonstone connects us with our deeper truths and helps release the goddess energy that flows deep within us
Rose Quartz promotes inner healing with compassion
Rhodonite nurtures the heart & heals emotional disruption
Kyanite promotes speaking your truth fearlessly
Carrying Bag included
You'll receive all of this for only $ 17 with shipping in the continental US.

I have several pieces of Septarian Calcite available.
Septarian nodules are unique in that they were formed as a result of volcanic eruptions & attracted dead sea life chemically bonding them to the sediment & forming mud balls. They are composed of Calcite, which makes up the yellow centers & Aragonite which are the brown lines. The outer grey rock is Limestone.
The name Septarian comes from the Latin word "septum" meaning seven, or “saeptum” which means a wall or enclosure. As the balls dried they shrank inside & had a tendency to create a distinctive pattern of 7 points in every direction.
Septarian (also called Dragon Stone) is a wonderful stone to wear or carry with you if you speak in public, as it gives you confidence & allows you to gain an audience’s attention. A grounding stone, Septarian allows for better tolerance & patience, as well as emotional flexibility. It can gauge the underlying cause of an illness when meditated upon, and focuses the body into healing itself. Septarian can absorb your energy when held over a period of time & transmits that energy into strength when needed. You'll also earn 5 reward points.
Elemental Crystal Set
The elements play such an important role in Wicca. We use them to help protect our circle, we work with them within our spells & rituals. If you're looking for a way to bring the elements easily with you anywhere you go, to draw upon their strengths & support, I've got THE perfect crystal set for you!
You'll receive a piece of: Fuchsite, Fluorite, Tiger eye, Rose Quartz + a handsewn carrying pouch so you can take the elements with you anywhere you go and draw upon their energies & protection.
You will receive all of this for only $22 with shipping included in the continental US! Your stones may look a bit differently as each stone is unique but the quality will be exceptional! You'll also earn 5 reward points.
Peace & Serenity Crystal Set
Do you have a great deal of stress, worry in your life? With all that is going on in the world that's definitely understandable. It's not always easy to find a few minutes for yourself, with all the yapping in the news, from so-called "leaders", from our jobs, school, etc.; it can be difficult to unwind but it's absolutely essential to everyone's well-being. The more at ease you are, the better you can cope with things in your life, the better your mood will be as well as your physical health. I'm going to share with you a special set of crystals that you can purchase from me right now that will help you to de-stress, unwind & bring a bit of peace & serenity to your life.
In this set you'll receive: kambaba jasper, epidote, dalmation jasper, nuummite, 2 bags of Lemongrass tea, handsewn pouch for the crystals. This set of crystals, tea & handsewn pouch are yours for only $32 including shipping in the continental US! You'll also earn 5 reward points.
Your stones may look a bit differently as each stone is unique but the quality will be exceptional!

Professional & Life Crystal Set
Are you in need of more patience, self-confidence at work, at home & in life in general? This wonderful set of crystals will help you with these issues so that you can have a happier, fulfilling life in all areas!
In this set you'll get:
10ml bottle of Prosperity oil, Aragonite, black obsidian, dalmation jasper, diopside & a handsewn pouch to keep them in so you can have them with you wherever you go!
You'll receive all of this for only $ 26 including shipping in the continental USA! You'll also earn 5 reward points.
Your stones may look a bit differently as each stone is unique but the quality will be exceptional!

Wonderful Starter Crystal Set
Are you just getting started & want to get a few crystals to get you going? No matter what path you take, crystals can be of tremendous value. Their beauty alone makes one happier but each crystal also has therapeutic effects that can help with your health, with your emotional state & can even help with finances & money situations. I’ve got crystals all over my home and I carry two satchels in my pockets daily. I’d like to help you get started on your crystal journey with this special starter set I have assembled for you. In each starter set you’ll receive a piece of:
White Onyx
black jasper
blue Chalcedony
In addition to each crystal, you’ll also get information on each of them to help you learn about them & their qualities.
You’ll receive all of this for only $ 27! This is a perfect way to get your crystal collection started & to learn about each one’s properties to help you and those you love.
** Pictures shown are examples; yours may or may not look like these pieces.
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